Monday 20 January 2014


So finally I have chosen everything to create the whole outfit.My final drawing has finaly been finished although not every detail I wanted were encorporated I had to draw it in a slightly darker colour to show the difference between materials.and I only drew in a necklace. although I couldnt draw it all I still show  everything when I  do the presentation. The colour composition is going to be off white and blush with the playsuit embellished .These are the materials Im would use to create the dress
this is for the skirt and sleeves which will give it that see true look and will give the flow and movment that I would like it to have .

this is for the play suit which would then be embellished.

and finaly here is my final drawing

This design falls under the theme movment ,because by using certaine materials will make it flow and move alot .By using chiffon as the material of the skirt.My peronal thaughts and reflections on the design is that it is a good design ,I do really like it .I wish I could of brought out some more detail.But I couldnt with just drawing so I decided that in the presentation I would bring images of the materials I would like to use.But all in all it came out good.


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